Course Descriptions
SKT 171 - Skilled Trades Apprentice Training I
6 Credits
This is the first year course of the students Skilled Trades Apprenticeship on-the-job training experience. The course covers a minimum of 2,000 hours of on-site training delivered in accordance with the Department of Labor and other structured apprenticeship training program requirements for Skilled Trades Apprentices.
Prerequisite(s): Student must currently be registered in or have completed a formal documented and approved apprenticeship program by MCC faculty or staff.
MCC General Education: MCC-BCO - Speaking (MBCO), MCC-TL - Technological Literacy (MTL)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Identify appropriate tools for a first year skilled trades apprentice. This will be evaluated by the supervising journey person to acceptable industrial standards. This evaluation will be verified by the signature professor.
2. Interpret technical drawings appropriate for a first year skilled trades apprentice. This will be evaluated by the supervising journey person to acceptable industrial standards. This evaluation will be verified by the signature professor.
3. Employ proper industry techniques appropriate for a first year skilled trades apprentice. This will be evaluated by the supervising journey person to acceptable industrial standards. This evaluation will be verified by the signature professor.
4. Prioritize workflow processes appropriate for a first year skilled trades apprentice. This will be evaluated by the supervising journey person to acceptable industrial standards. This evaluation will be verified by the signature professor.
5. Evaluate and select procedures appropriate for a first year skilled trades apprentice. This will be evaluated by the supervising journey person to acceptable industrial standards. This evaluation will be verified by the signature professor.
6. Adapt and design techniques, process, and documents appropriate for a first year skilled trades apprentice. This will be evaluated by the supervising journey person to acceptable industrial standards. This evaluation will be verified by the signature professor.
Course Offered Fall, Spring, Intersession
Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025